Graveyard Point
Find: Seam/plume agates, chalcedony, botryoidal chalcedony
GPS: 43.562410, -117.054040
Nearest city: Boise, ID
To this day, I’m still not sure I found the “true” Graveyard Point. There’s not exactly a big sign out there. At the listed coordinates, I found plenty of agates and it looked like there were holes from others digging before me. It’s a very popular spot, but still has spectacular agates right on the surface after many decades of curious rockhounding taking place.
I figured the easiest way to explain how to get here was through video instructions with a map. Here is a link to the specific part of my video that goes over that. There are certainly wrong turns you can make.
I would recommend AWD to get here, but you can probably sneak by with a car. Expect dirt roads and mud, especially following rain.
Video Guide
For the best experience, check out the video guide. I show how I found my best pieces and challenges you might face along the way.